Coworking | Incubator | Cyber Cafe

  • Work Week


    8AM - 5PM


    Access to any flex desk in the common area, Coffee & Tea included, large 4’ x 3’ idea board, and printer access

    Add On: +$20/month for access to Peloton Room

  • Day/Week Pass (For Travelers)

    Visiting town or need an escape for the day?


    8AM - 5PM



    Coffee & Tea included, and printer access

  • Private Room/Conference Room

    Private Room w/ Bathroom (5 available)

    Monday - Friday

    8AM - 5PM

    $25/day Street/River view rooms

    Coffee & Tea included

    Conference Room (1 available)

    $30/4 hours, $50/day

    Coffee & Tea included, printer access, and large two-sided white board available